Forward notifications from your mobile device(s) immediately to your TV screen using Amazon Fire TV.
Including application logo and images contained in the notification.
Scroll through every notified message on the Amazon Fire TV in fullscreen mode. You can change the settings individually for each application.
Best working with these apps, but unlimited to every app which displays notifications:
- Messenger apps: WhatsApp, SMS, Hangouts, Allo, Gmail
- News apps: Spiegel Online Eilmeldung, SWR3 Eilmeldung
Also shows incoming and outgoing phone calls.
Important: You need to install the app 'Notifications for Fire TV' on your Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV stick:
- Go to apps and select category 'Productivity' to find it on the Fire TV, then install and start the app
- Open the Amazon website and search for the app 'Notifications for Fire TV', get the app, on the Fire TV choose settings, my account and synchronize. Then the app should appear within your favorite apps. Install and start the app to continue.
• Immediate forwarding of your notifications to your Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV stick
• Browse through notification details on the TV screen including application logo and notification images
• App specific settings including privacy mode
- Messenger的应用:WhatsApp的,短信,视频群聊,异基因,Gmail的
- 新闻应用:明镜在线Eilmeldung,SWR3 Eilmeldung
- 转到应用和选择类别“生产力”找到它火的电视上,然后安装并启动应用程序
- 打开亚马逊网站和搜索应用“消防电视通知”,获取应用程序,对火的电视选择设置,我的帐户和同步。然后应用程序应该自己喜爱的应用中出现。安装并启动应用程序继续。